
What is Fryd?

Fryd is a rising Australian fast food franchise as we provide fast food products to customers for their satisfactory.

chicken chicken eye part
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shed sun

How are we different?

Our provider is selective in certain farms that are absolutely against domestic animal confinement. Food quality has vastly improved due to living qualities of food stock.


What they really do...

As many fast food competitors they would take shortcuts to cut their budget and gain more profits

machine machine dial

We Deliver

We have something our competitors do not have and that is delivery at your doorstep.

We are rolling out a 24/7 service to deliver our goods to your homes to enjoy dining at home.

On Time!

As a growing company,we strive to our stock to stores on time to create and serve meals to our customers

This means fresh produce from our providers for you to enjoy!

cooked chicken


We refine our meals to suit your tastes and favourites.

Whether it's the crisp fried skin or tender meat inside. All meals are all made from our trade secret chicken recipies.